Save Water : Can you do it?

The Hook
5 min readMar 16, 2021


If the existence of this entire universe rests on something, it is water. One of the five elements, water, is the basis of our life. Can you imagine your life without water? Just imagine how long you can live without water? Not only this, many of our needs depend on it. Even after being so important, have we been able to assess its importance properly? It is a pity that we have wasted the most water in our lives. It is regrettable. So do you want to do the same in the future? Just think, what will we do when the water runs out?

Let’s Understand The Importance Of Water Conservation

  • Living life: Our body needs water daily. We cannot live without it.
  • Environmental Operations: Water is the basis of our environment. Everybody needs it, trees, animals, and birds.
  • Other Needs: All the work of cooking, washing clothes, defecation, etc., depends on water.
  • Energy production: Water is an excellent source of clean energy. Hydroelectric energy is being produced in many countries.
  • Agriculture: Cultivation of crops and irrigation is not possible without water. Good quality water is required to make agriculture possible and advanced.
  • Industry: Water is extensively used in the industry, such as the clothing, leather industry, etc.
  • Coolant: Water is also used as a coolant.
  • Nutrients: Water also has the characteristic of containing nutrients.

Distribution Of Water On Earth

Water is available in limited quantities on Earth. However, these quantities are very high. Yes! About 71 percent of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, and the oceans hold about 96.5 percent of all the Earth’s water. Water is present as water vapor in the air, in rivers and lakes, snowflakes, and glaciers, as moisture in the ground.
But about 96% of the water in it is not potable; it is saline. It is not possible to digest it. Out of the remaining 4%, only 1% can reach us, which we are ruining.

Best Examples To Demonstrate Wasting Of Water By Us

We specialize in wasting water. I will tell you many such episodes, which will make you laugh after reading, but my intention is not to make you laugh but to taunt you. It is time to look seriously at the problem of decreasing water levels and contaminated water. It is a question of the existence of the entire human race.

We are making the rivers gutters — rivers are worshiped in India. We have been worshiping them for centuries; it has been described as God’s abode; we call the Ganges as Ganga Maiya, people also come here to attain salvation. But you will be unfortunate to know that the filthy stinky water coming out of your city finally gets into a river. By dirty here, I mean water from the messy kitchen to the toilet. More surprising is that the same water is also brought back to our home and we drink it too. The water level of the earth is gradually decreasing due to which the problem of water is increasing. About 40% of India’s population depends on rivers like Ganges, Brahmaputra. Don’t you think that by messing them up or ignoring them, we are inviting our destruction?

We are shedding water as water — it is said that trouble is known when it comes upon us. But the problem of “NO PANI” will come upon us very soon, and it has happened in Shimla. Due to lack of water there, tourists had to stop their arrival. Despite all this, we are ruining this precious thing without thinking. You must have seen how people waste water in daily activities, such as washing the car with a pipe, bathing with the fountain, cleaning the patio, etc. It will not work anymore; either we have to change ourselves, or else we will have to live without water, and it is not possible, it means everything over now.

Water is now becoming poison — due to uncontrollable industrialization and urbanization; many harmful chemicals are reaching the water. Its effect is being seen in groundwater, rivers, ponds. Many terrible diseases are standing at our gates by drinking such poisonous water. Conditions like Typhoid, Acute Diarrhoeal Diseases, Cholera, Viral Hepatitis have been predominantly seen. Even for newborn children, dirty water is causing trouble.

Stopping the passage of water — Blocking the way of water by putting various obstacles reduces the power of water. For example, a dam on a river will damage the river’s environment, affecting both the speed and quality of water. Due to this, aquatic animals may die, and it will pollute the water. Finally, it concludes that whenever man tries to change nature’s structure, nature will hit hard.

Evaporation — Evaporation of water rises by the scorching heat. Our attention is not going on it because it is a slow process and does not appear. But, if the potable water continues to evaporate in this way, it will increase water scarcity. Evaporation needs to be appropriately studied. Only then can the accumulation and conservation of water be done in a planned manner.

Export of water — Many private companies are exporting water to other countries. This water is being extracted from the earth through boring, due to which the water level has gone down. On the other hand, we are facing problems like drought and drinking water in our country itself. China is the largest consumer of Indian water. The government needs to take more careful steps in this matter.

Design of equipment — The water distribution system also needs to be further developed. Water flows out of existing equipment in large quantities and is also wasted. We can bring new changes through the use of artificial intelligence.

Agriculture — however, agriculture is essential for us, but even here water is not being used properly. Excess water is also adversely affecting crops. In particular, there is a need for irrigation improvements in India to save water, which results in better yield.

Accumulation of water — Inadequate water accumulation due to rain, flood, etc., is also an essential factor. If this is done correctly, then the lack of drinking water can be significantly met, and the water bills will also be reduced.

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The Hook
The Hook

Written by The Hook


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